Enhancing English Teachers’ IMT Literacy Skills through Game-Based Learning Platform (English Version)

Bandung, Telkom University-Since March 2020, teachers and students have implemented Study from Home (SFH) and are expected to quickly adapt to different learning environment. One of the changes is the use of digital media in the teaching and learning process. It becomes an urgency to take actions in improving teachers’ media literacy which is included in the Information, Media, and Technology (IMT) literacy. It is imperative for Telkom University to contribute to the society and one of its actions is through a community service enhance English teachers’ IMT literacy skills through game-based learning platform.

Photo 1. Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra, M.T. is delivering the opening speech and the first topic.

School of Industrial Engineering Telkom University has been involved in community services with English Teachers Work Group (KKG) in Madrasah Work Group (KKM) 2 Bandung since 2019. Our first community service was held on July 27th, 2019, the second was held online on April 23rd, 2020, and the third was also held online on December 2nd, 2020.  Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, the fourth community service was also held online on February 25th, 2021. We were delighted that the fourth community services were attended by MTs teachers from 16 schools namely MTsN 2 Bandung, Mts Al-Amanah, MTs Al-Burhan, MTs Al-Inayah, MTs Al-Misbah, MTs Ar-Rosyidiyah, MTs Darul Hidayah, MTs Kifayatul Achyar, MTs Manba’yl Huda, MTs, Miftahul Falah, MTs Miftahul Huda, MTs Muhajirin, MTs Nurul Huda, MTs Yasipa, MTs Al-Hasan, and MTs Asy-Syarifiyyah. Three were three topics delivered in the event: (1) IMT Literacy Skills for Junior High School Teachers; (2) Useful and User-Friendly Teaching Applications; and (3) Using Kahoot! to Create Interactive Learning Materials and Formative Evaluations. The presenters are the Dean of the School of Industrial Engineering, Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra, M.T., Mr. Meldi Rendra, S.T., M.Eng., and Ms. Ima Normalia Kusmayanti, S.S., M.Pd.  These lecturers are the members of Engineering Management System Research Group (KK EMS). Besides lecturers, three students were involved as the committees: Giesta Ayunda Sekar Kinasih, Sulthan Arafat Brifian, and Adiyatma Pratama Wibisono.

Photo 2. Mr. Meldi Rendra, S.T., M.Eng is delivering the second topic

The teachers were enthusiastic and obviously realized how important it is to continuously increase their digital media literacy for teaching and learning innovation. It is necessary to motivate not only themselves as teachers, but also their students as well as be creative to create a more conducive online learning environment. They agreed that game-based learning has characteristics and principles in which game is integrated into learning activities to increase students’ engagements and motivations.  These teachers have an access to Kahoot! Premium until November 2021. They were happily accepted this opportunity so they can explore formative assessment, interactive lesson, polling, and other features.

Photo 3. Ms. Ima Normalia Kusmayanti, S.S., M.Pd. is delivering the third topic
Photo 4. Ms. Ani Sumiani, S.S., M.Hum. is delivering a speech as the teacher’s representative

Ms. Ani Sumiani, S.S., M.Hum. stated that the English teachers have known about game-based learning methods. However due to the preparations and challenges, many teachers neglected the method and prefer to choose a more simple one. Not to mention that out of 21 teachers who attended the event, only two teachers have used a digital media such as Kahoot!. She is very optimistic that after learning from the three lecturers from Telkom University, the teachers will try to use Kahoot! in their classes this semester.  The teachers admitted that using game-based learning platform indeed provides benefits to improve students’ critical thinking skills and problem solving skills. Based on the questionnaire distributed to the participants, it was revealed that the teachers wished to have another workshop and one of the topics that they request is the comparison of several game-based learning platforms for EFL teachers besides Kahoot! such as Quizziz dan Quizlet. Hopefully, this will be the next community service activity in the upcoming semester for Telkom University lecturers.

Contribution : Ima N. Kusmayanti, Agus Ahmad Suhendra dan Meldi Rendra

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