Bandung, Telkom University – After successfully build a knowledge center called “Open Library”, Telkom University in the coming week will officially launched a facility named Telkom University Creative Center (TUCC) as a center of science study in creative industry which will become Creative Hub for industry players such as government , Academic community, and the general public.
The launching of TUCC will be held in Sebatik Building Park Area, School of Creative Industry (FIK), Telkom University. Jl. Telecommunications No. 1, Bandung, on Tuesday (9/5/17). The launching event will be attended by Telkom University Rector, Prof. Ir. Moch. Ashari, M. Eng., Ph.D. And the Regent of Bandung, H. Dadang M. Nasser.
Dean of Schol of Creative Industry (FIK), Dr. Agus Achmad Suhendra, revealed that TUCC is not only for academic community but made for creative industry and society “TUCC is a facility owned by FIK, not only for academic community but also for industry and public.” Our target with TUCC is certainly students to implement and practice their work especially in Idealoka Gallery. The TUCC is equipped by a Studio, Art Workshop and Gallery.”
TUCC has a full range of facilities that are divided into three floors. On the first floor, TUCC owns Art Studio and Product Design Workshop. On the next floor there is the Idealoka Gallery, which is a place to display the works of the students in the exhibitions. On the last floor, there is a Visual Communication Design Studio. Not only that, TUCC has Garden Gallery which is used for Closing Art Performance and Press Conference.
TUCC has the opportunity to provide non-tuition fees for Telkom University, since TUCC can be used by outside artists and the availability of services in the field of art & design for industry.
“This gallery also we offer to designers and artists otside Telkom University, if they want to make an exhibition here (TUCC), it could be but its a commercial. We also provide consulting services, training, design (product, fashion, interior ) In the field of art & design for people like SMEs which want to learn packaging and product design. “Said Agus.
The launching event entittled “Creating Harmony Collaboration In Creative Industry” symbolizes the collaboration between the academic community, artist / designer, industry and the wider community.
“We hope that TUCC, academic climate can be more conducive, students are more often create the creative thing because they have media and exhibition, lecturers can do self actualization in art and design, giving service and training to industry so harmonious with industry And society, “he concluded.